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05.25.24 - blog entry #3


Quite a bit has changed in regards to the last blog entry, which is kind of funny. In terms of the album I'm making right now, that is still going well. I am starting to utilize compression and reverb more (if ever so slightly) and the album is coming along well. I did have to scrap a song - Son In My Dress - but that's alright. I'm replacing it with another song I wrote fairly recently that I'm super proud of. It was based off of a dream I had that kind of messed me up (which is hilarious, because the opener is also based on that exact concept but with a different dream). Otherwise, it's just a rush to finish this album before August.

In terms of the follow-up to this album, I don't think I'll fully dedicate to a more lo-fi/restrictive vibe, although I do see it being a lot more noisy and experimental. Good Morning Spider will definitely play a huge role in the influence for this record, as these songs are intentionally more """""pop""""" and less of the pitchfork-kid influenced goodies that I aimed for with my second record (which is still in development). Basically, less Teens Of Denial and more Teens Of Style. I love utilizing other bands works to explain what I'm aiming for. It's funny!

The prospect of going into a studio has changed. I don't feel comfortable recording outside of my bedroom, even if it's a small closet with a Rode mic and a 4-track. I am much happier in my own bedroom, which I actually gave a name. Slackerdelica Studios. It has a ring to it. Sort of like Static King. I'm also still soured on labels but I have sent the masters for this album so far to a new label - Beautiful Rat Records. I'm hoping they get back to me and decide that this album is worth people's time and they won't neglect it in favour of their bigger artists despite preaching themselves as a community. I am clearly still bitter about my prior label situation. It's not a good look at all. I do not care at this point. Let me make my songs.

Always writing, vaguely recording, always observing. That's life these days. I sleep with my window open and my comics sit upright against my vinyls.

Last song played: Ratboys - The Stanza

04.21.24 - blog entry #2


I have not slept at all. I spent all night playing LIS: True Colors for the first time. I love this game so much. I don't want to go on some massive rant about why this game is so good/why this franchise is so good and why it works so well, but all I'll say is these games are masterclasses in character drama and immersion. It's flawed, it's messy, it's beautiful, and it's incredible. All of the games.

Outside of that, I've been planning out my next few albums. Released independently. I've had a souring relationships with all labels (big and small) lately and, while the latest one was actually pretty good, too much was happening that didn't make right now seem right. So, I am back to releasing indepedently like at the start of this original music project (Pluto Pop).

The second album will sound a lot more "professional" and "clean" (relatively) and this is on purpose. I want to prove that I can make something sound professional and clean and actually mix and record something that doesn't sound like it came from a bedroom. For the album after that, I want to go back to a more lo-fi/restricted sound akin to Sparklehorse. I will be going into a studio for it - not a big one, just a little studio located in my school's multimedia department. There's an 8-track in there that I want to track all guitars, bass, and maybe vocals into. I have full permission and free reign to, so that will be very fun. The plan is to track everything in there (in relation to guitar, bass, vocals) then take those audio files home, pop them into ableton and only allow another 8 tracks to record the songs with. I'd essentially be recording with a 16-track (just with extra steps). Sparklehorse recorded with 16-tracks during his 1998 album Good Morning Spider (and 8-tracks during his 1995 album Viviadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot) and I want that. I want something like that. I would adore a sound like that, it's the ultimate goal. I feel like it would support my songwriting especially well.

Last song played: Elliott Smith - Alameda

04.20.24 - blog entry #1


I don't have much to talk about at this moment. I'm really hard-focused on finishing this site. Will probably add more stuff tomorrow, that would be pretty cool I think.

Last song played: Sparklehorse - Saturday