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07.03.24 - the second saint louie album is done!!

Well, technically it's been done for three days now, but as of today, July 3rd, 2024, I have finished everything in regards to the second album - that includes the promo videos, the social media layout, and the songs themselves. Everything is done.

While I started properly recording this album in January of this year, I have been conceiving of this record since early 2023. To see it as a fully finished product with a proper identity and idea behind it is surreal. I cannot belive this project is actually coming out. I never thought I'd make it this far. I am so excited. It is a massive step-up from all my previous works and everybody I have shown it to agrees.

If all goes right, the record should release within the next two months or so and CDs of it should be available in the near future. SL2, here we come!

04.20.24 - the saint louie webpage has been created!

WOWEE WOWZERS! I've been meaning to create a proper webpage for all my nonsense under this project name but never bothered - at least until I saw Cindy Lee's webpage and got really jealous of how cool it was. I wanted my own! So I did it!

I have some basic knowledge of how to program with HTML and CSS, so this wasn't too hard. It did take a while to do, though. There are probably mistakes scattered all across these pages. As I am typing this, it is 9:20pm, I am listening to Sweet Adeline by Elliott Smith, and both the blog page and the about me page hasn't been created, so let me get to that.
